A Year in Miniatures 16: Sororitas Statue

As soon as I saw Operative Umbral Six I knew I’d need to get one. Not for the assassin, I have no interest in, nor use for a Vindicare. but for the blasted shell of a giant statue in which he stands. So when I actually got one I immediately clipped the figure away (he’ll need new feet if I ever want to do something with him in the future) and set about turning the statue into an objective marker for Killteam Games.

After ditching the assassin, the next thing that had to go was the perfectly upright position. Unmodified, the statue is a little weird - its size and the Vindicare’s grappling hook and coiled rope suggest that it should stand tens of meters tall, however it actually stands very low to the ground. I wanted to make it clear that this was indeed a part of a much larger statue mostly buried beneath the earth. Since it’s pretty unbelievable that the statue would still be perfectly vertical, I’ve adjusted the supports to have it leaning back and to the left. The angle ended up being a little more extreme than planned, and I’ve had to glue a couple of pennies into the base to stop it falling over! The last step was to adjust the hanging rope so that it made sense with the new angle.

I’ve tried to get marble effects before, never with much success. This time I tried the unprecidented step of looking up how other people have painted marble. Thus armed with knowledge and a stretched wet-wipe, I was magically able to get an effect I actually like! Some sections of the statue make a little less sense in marble - stone doesn’t exactly bend like metal when it breaks, but I like the overall effect a lot more!

I mentioned yesterday that I’d changed my mind about using chipping for much of the Knight Abominant I’m working on. The way this effect turned out is why - I’ve decided I like the idea of marble effect for the armour rather than chipping! It’ll definitely take a few practices to get the effect exactly right, but that’s the cost of learning new things!

At some point I’m going to have to repaint all of my scenery in this style as well. The other cost of learning new things is realising you could have done old things much better now!

Next time: some scary Halloween monsters!

Weeks Elapsed: 43
Miniatures Finished: 37


A Year In Miniatures 17: Mimics?


A Year in Miniatures 15: Knight Abominant Pilot