A Year in Miniatures Update: Where did this go?

As anyone keeping track of this particular project will have noticed, things have been a little on the quiet side recently. Or rather, it has been abruptly silent.

This has been due to a number of factors both personal and professional, but primarily the fact that a fractured metacarpal takes a while to heal. That’s right, dear reader, I manifested the fear of every artist and actually broke my painting hand. Cue a period of no real progress on projects.

Where does that leave the Year in Miniatures project, and more generally Mythmaker Studios itself? Well the good news is that I’m fully healed and back to my painting ways - we are once again open for comissions, Indeed, you can expect to see a lot more activity from us in the coming weeks, as I’m planning to pick up exacly where I left off, and I have a lot of ground to make up if I’m going to hit my 52 minis in 52 weeks target. The even better news is that we have some very exciting updates from Charlotte on the Fine Art side of the business, so watch this space!

Next time, we take stock of how much work I need to do to catch up!

29/ 04/22
Weeks Elapsed: Aargh
Miniatures Finished: Not Enough!


Commissioning a hobgoblin/tiefling witch


A Year in Miniatures 7: The Lord Executioner (Kranon the Relentless)